We cordially invite you to the opening evening of the exhibition ACADEMY SELECTION with 12 graduates and students of the Düsseldorf Academy
on Friday, April 29, starting at 6 pm.
Location: Kellermann Gallery, Heinrich-Heine-Allee 12, Düsseldorf
The Düsseldorf Art Academy tour has been a permanent institution for many years. The classes of 2020 to 2022 had a particularly difficult time, as their final presentations took place in the middle of the covid pandemic. Subsequent exhibitions did not take place or only under strict conditions.
We have therefore decided to present a selection of remarkable students and graduates of the Düsseldorf Art Academy from the past three years. Although we have focused exclusively on painting, the results are very diverse and international.
We believe that each of these young artists will go their own successful way on the art market. Many have already been presented at prestigious exhibitions, received scholarships and been nominated for art prizes.
This exhibition adds another prize for one of the participants:
The ACADEMY SELECTION AWARD, which is being presented for the first time this year.
The artists will be present at the vernissage.
We look forward to an exciting, young art evening together with you!
Galerie Kellermann
Save the date:
Award ceremony & finissage: Friday, June 10, from 6 pm
site managed with ARTBUTLER