Nature, its fragility and vulnerability and at the same time its elemental power forms the basis of all life. Maya Beckbissinger takes up this very theme in her artistic work. She gently processes grasses that she finds in nature and weaves them into a delicate, transparent carpet, placing it in the light like a canopy. She shows us the delicate and beautiful structure of the grasses as well as their amazing stability.
With her silent installations, the artist makes the natural wonders that grow around us visible and shows us nature as the great architect of our existence. She appeals to precise perception and to preserving the beauty of nature.
– Annual exhibition, ABK Stuttgart, Germany
– Galerie Hausgeburt, Stuttgart, Germany
– Altes Schlachthaus, Kunstverein Neckar-Odenwald e.V., Moosbach, Germany
Maya Beckbissinger has been studying art teaching at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart and German teaching at the University of Stuttgart since 2020.
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