Maya Beckbissinger


Collective work with Rebecca Thum (ice, smoke from a cigarette)

“Melted ice water seeps into the moss and is absorbed in a new cycle. Inescapable touches, plants meet skin.” – Maya Beckbissinger

Nature, its fragility and vulnerability, and at the same time its elemental power, nature as the basis and giver of all life – this is how one could describe the theme of Maya Beckbissinger’s works. She lovingly takes the grasses she finds in nature and weaves them into a delicate, transparent carpet, placing it in the light like a canopy. She shows us the filigree structure of the grasses in all their fragility and beauty – and their astonishing stability.

With her silent installations, Maya Beckbissinger makes the natural wonders that grow around us visible, showing us nature as the great architect of our existence. And thus appeals to us to take a closer look and preserve nature in all its beauty.
